5E LtdCreating a brighter future through training and learning A not for profit organisation addressing
poverty and disadvantage

Level 3 AAT Diploma in Accounting

The AAT Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting is ideal for those who have completed AAT Level 2 Accounting or who are currently working at an intermediate level and are looking to develop their skills. This course prepares you for your future career in Accountancy. Sign up today!
This qualification also gives UCAS points depending on the grade received upon completion.
Pass – 70% average
Merit – 80% average
Distinction – 90% average
40 UCAS points
48 UCAS points
56 UCAS points
Course Essentials
Qualification: Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting 
Prerequisites: AAT Level 2 Bookkeeping or experience 
Duration: 10 - 12 months
Location: blended online learning
Assessment: There are 5 online exams which take place at the end of the units including a synoptic assessment involving questions from units 1-3, Ethics for Accountants and Spreadsheets for Accounting 
New Skills and Knowledge 
  • Produce accounts for sole traders and partnerships 
  • Prepare accounting records from incomplete information
  • Analyse and review deviations from budgets and apply management techniques to support decision making 
  • Understand and apply VAT legislation 
  • Identify action to take in relation to unethical behaviour or illegal acts 
  • Design spreadsheets for a variety of needs eg. customer needs or data analysis 
Our AAT Accounting and Bookkeeping courses up to Level 3 can be provided free under specific criteria.
If you are not eligible for funding the course needs to be self-funded. If you are 19 years old or over, the course may be paid through a student loan which is paid back after the course.
For more information about courses or funding options please call: 0208 808 6660
Employment: there are many job roles that become a possibility once you complete this course, such as:
  • Accounts assistant
  • Expenses supervisor
  • Audit trainee
  • Credit controller
  • Finance assistant
  • Tax assistant (with experience)
Education: learners often continue improving their skills and progress onto higher level courses such as 
  • AAT Level 4 Professional Diploma in Accounting
  • Level 4 Accounting apprenticeship
  • After successful completion of this qualification you can apply for AAT bookkeeping membership. You will have to take the “Fit and proper” assessment provided by AAT. As a member you will be able to use your designatory AATQB letters after your name and apply to run your own business as an AAT Licensed Bookkeeper.
  1. Business Awareness 
  2. Final Accounting : Preparing Financial Statement
  3. Management Accounting Techniques
  4. Tax Process for Business

Course Enquiry

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The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. The inspection and regulation of services that care for children and young people.

Investors in People Gold

Learner satisfaction and progress is only possible with a healthy team of staff. For the 3rd time we have achieved this accolade and look forward to investing in your future

Greenmark Quality

Our commitment to the environment has seen us consistently receive the Green mark Quality Mark as we minimise wastage of energy to protect our planet.

Matrix quality framework

A recognition to the organisation for its high standards of IAG delivery. Advice, guidance & support services that helps learners make an informed decision leading to their future in education & career.

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